Aha! Listen Boy My First Love Story
My Angel and My Girls
My sunshine
Oh! Oh! let's go!
You're so so handsome
My eyes my eyes are blinded
I can't breathe because I'm trembling
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Oh I feel so embarrassed
I can't look at you
I feel shy because I've fallen in love
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
What should I do? (What should I do~) About my trembling heart (My trembling heart)
(Thump thump thump thump) My heart kept thumping
So I couldn't fall asleep at night
I guess I guess I'm a fool
A fool that knows you, only you
Yes, as I look at you~~
So bright so bright My eyes are blinded no no no no no
So surprised surprised I'm shocked oh oh oh oh oh
So tingly tingly my body is trembling gee gee gee gee gee
Oh glittering eyes (oh yeah~) Oh sweet aroma (oh yeah yeah yeah~)
Oh so so pretty
Your heart is so pretty
I was captured from first glance, caught so closely
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
I can't touch it because it's so hot
I'm engulfed by love's fire completely
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
Gee gee gee gee baby baby baby
What should I do (What should I do) because I'm so shy
(No no no no no) I don't know why but every day I long for only you
My close friends tell me
That I'm really a helpless fool
But as I look at you~~
So bright so bright My eyes are blinded no no no no no
So surprised surprised I'm shocked oh oh oh oh oh
So tingly tingly my body is trembling gee gee gee gee gee
Oh your glittering eyes (oh yeah~) Oh this sweet aroma (oh yeah yeah yeah~)
I can't even say anything
I'm too embarrassed
Do I not have any courage?
What would be the right thing to do?
Thump thump my heart is anxious as I'm looking at you
So bright so bright My eyes are blinded no no no no no
So surprised surprised I'm shocked oh oh oh oh oh
So tingly tingly my body is trembling gee gee gee gee gee
Oh your glittering eyes (oh yeah~) Oh this sweet aroma (oh yeah yeah yeah~)
So bright so bright My eyes are blinded no no no no no
So surprised surprised I'm shocked oh oh oh oh oh
So tingly tingly my body is trembling gee gee gee gee gee
Oh your glittering eyes (oh yeah~) Oh this sweet aroma (oh yeah yeah yeah~)
hmmm...kamu habis nonton videonya monty oum ya? kalo bagi saya pribadi bagusan yg versi Dead Fantasy XD soalnya karakternya dari video games semua.
BalasHapusmaaf baru bisa bales komnetarnya, hmmm... yang dead fantasy itu kayak apa? boleh tau? atau kasih link-nya mungkin?
BalasHapusthanx ^^
BalasHapuskok komentnya pada ga nyambung semua sih *ahaha apa aku yg bego ya?*
BalasHapuskamsahamnida infonya,berguna bgt buat aku yg lagi suka lagu ini
@vita: yang awal ngomongin videonya ^^
BalasHapus@PERTAMAX dan yg punya blog
BalasHapusGee itu lagunya girlband Korsel SNSD. Nah, trus seorang netter bernama Monty Oum membuat versi Dead Fantasy-nya. DF itu movie bikinan dia sendiri tapi karakternya dari video games. Cuma kan karakternya itu bicara bahasa Jepang kok dipake buat bikin video klip Korea, ya ? XD
adapun karakter yg dipake itu dari Dead or Alive, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Heart, dan Ninja Gaiden. Awalnya cuma cewek2 berantem aja tapi ternyata ceritanya ngak sesimpel itu. Google aja pasti ketemu :-)
@atas yang ANONIMUS: terima kasih atas keterangannya, sangat membantu ^^