the day just roll out but i? stopped like fool clock that just hanged without any necessary mean and its very weird some. people hanging around in the midnight. they walking like zombie, nobody look at each other just look on the straight way in front of them. This place is weird. lie lie and lie. i bored in the same way look at me. in the same point of view, everybody-everyday without exception. i hate it, it's time to good bye forever... to the world like that. i wanna ask WHERE IS THE TRUTH? THE WISDOM OF USELESSNESS
presence of the fool here and now....
i am the fool
Aduduh, Her... sampe kapan kamu hanya diam dan mengeluh saja... open your mind, Tuhan itu pampangkan banyak hal buat kamu.. bersyukurlah, lihat dari sisi lain.
BalasHapusAllah menyediakan yang kau perlukan, merenda hidupmu seperti ketika Ia merancangkan karya penyalibanNya sendiri.
wah the fool itu maksudnya tarot lho.... tapi diam itu emas, ga koq skarang ku mulai bergerak (lagi) sedikit lagi... pasti akan berubah