hari ini ku ambil app (lagi) nah resultnya...
- Chicken : terlalu takut melakukan sesuatu karena takut salah
- Sasuke uchiha : bertingkah kayak ga pernah punya temen, padahal selalu mikirin and ga bisa lupa tentang mereka, slalu berharap mereka alright, strong person
the bird has lost both of its wings, and it the bird going to frustrated the bird has no will to live anymore, because the bird can't feel free anymore, but someday this bird found that the world down there, was same as the above there is same road, trees, water, and any other great view that can be seen from up there, then this bird says, "what's the different?" before this bird think that this world only good if you look it from up there but now, the bird realize that a good thing can be seen in all place in the world. Its only the matter how you thing and still it is a beautiful thing.
terkadang butuh waktu buat kita dalam menyadari betapa indah dunia dan sering kali mata kita terpaku pada masa lalu.
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